Dilruba İstanbul

Dilruba Istanbul offers traditional Turkish dishes accompanied by a unique Bosphorus view overlooking the 3 Bosphorus bridges, as well as tea with a samovar in the open area with its cafe section overlooking the Bosphorus.

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Bosphorus view from Üsküdar Fethi Pasha Grove Dilruba Restaurant - Cafe

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+90 216 492 15 00

SINCE 1996..

Fethipaşa Grove starts from the north of Üsküdar and covers all the hills and slopes until it ends at Kuzguncuk Hill. It takes its name from Damat Fethi Ahmet Pasha, who served as the Tophane Governor during the reigns of Mahmud II (1808-1839) and Abdülmecid (1839-1861). The last owner of the grove is lawyer Şevket Mocan, the grandson of the pasha.

Writer Cemil Meriç also lived in a house within this grove for a long time. The most common tree species in the grove include kermes oak, laurel, white mulberry, mastic, Judas tree, and silver linden. In the upper part of the grove, there are rows of monumental trees such as Scots pines, stone pines, cedars, and mastic trees that have grown to large sizes. Additionally, there are horse chestnuts, pedunculate oaks, wild olives, Trabzon medlars, false acacias, European hornbeams, spindle trees, green snowballs, Japanese spindle trees, and Japanese velvet pines.

In such a beautiful environment, Dilruba Istanbul has been working for many years to satisfy its customers and provide them with the best service. It is an unparalleled place to enjoy your tea in the shade of the pines with a view of the Bosphorus, especially in the mornings, and to relieve stress and exercise on the walking trails amidst the greenery.

SINCE 1996..